Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ahhh, the city....

I'm in the city and it's lovely. I hate the driving part...especially since I don't know where anything is. But man, it's nice to be in the city for an evening.

When I first contemplated driving up here, I wasn't too excited. With all the news about the price of gas, the environmental impact of driving 200+ miles round trip, I had my ethical objections; plus I really didn't want to drive all that way. I did have a work excuse, I visited somebody in hospital, so I even got paid for the trip! But once I got here, did the visit, I'm so glad I came.

On the way up, I heard about a concert at the Cathedral, so I called and learned where it was, etc. Now I'm in a coffee shop, waiting for the time to arrive. And in the meantime, I can chat with friends, write on my blog, and even read if I feel like it. And there are other people around!

I miss the city. Somebody (I can't remember who, maybe my mentor) tried to justify not living in the city by saying that the infrequency of my visits made the times I spend in urban areas all the more special. Not sure I buy that. But I guess it's a good way to think about it, if nothing else but to get me through until I can actually live in a city again.

In any case, I'm going to enjoy it while I'm here!

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