I like winter weather and always have. I love the beauty it creates, I love the coziness of staying inside (though when I worked with the homeless in Durham, it did make me rethink my stance). I really don't mind it all and I'm happy that it often makes us slow down a bit. I'm going to add a qualifier, though: no winter precipitation on Saturday nights.
It's been a bit of a crazy morning. We were supposed to have our Church Family Christmas Dinner. With the relationships within the church on the mend and folks actually enjoying spending time together, I looked forward to our lunch. But nooooooooo. It had to rain. And then snow. And then it got really cold. The snow looks pretty, but the ice on the roads does not. So we (meaning me and my minions) have had to make the decision whether to have church or not. We elected to postpone. It's supposed to warm up later, which will, in theory, melt some of the ice. So we'll have an evening service and dinner afterwards. I'm sure the crowd won't be as large, but as I called around this morning, folks seemed relieved that they wouldn't have to get out in it just yet.
So now I have a rare Sunday morning in. I'm wondering what I'll do with the extra time....